For IT Professionals, Data Scientists, Data Analysts and Business Intelligence Analysts.

Getting started with an Unsupervised Machine Learning technique - Clustering

Why you should not miss our free session on Clustering

  • One of the most common type of problems solved by unsupervised machine learning is Clustering 
  • Whether you are an IT professional or a professional in the field of Data Science, this course will equip you with much needed knowledge on the current hype around how Clustering, a powerful unsupervised machine learning technique, can provide added value for your team and your business
  • The first-half of the session will cover the intuition behind Clustering, sufficient for those who want an idea behind the ideology and what goes on behind the curtains (Not to miss!
  • The second half of the session is where we apply our learnings in a hands-on project, with a practical real-world example, narrowing down on Hierarchical Clustering Model
  • Prerequisites: Python Fundamentals & Anaconda Distribution (Spyder) downloaded